Squirrel Wildlife Rehabilitation

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Squirrelys - Bill Cooper's Photos

There was a kind gentleman in Oregon that shared his weekly squirrel photos with everyone and let me post them here. These are photographs that he took of squirrels in his backyard.

His name is Bill Cooper. He has built a lot of things for the squirrels in his backyard and I know that his photos will show his hard work. He has built bridges for his squirrels to walk across from tree to tree, a ferris wheel that has goodies, a "honeymoon suite" and even made them a bar. The squirrels use it all.

I have had numerous requests to repost some of his photos. Some will have the original stories, some will not. I hope that you enjoy looking at Bill's photos.

Hanging Out

In hopes of attracting one of the opposite sex here is one of the local guys hanging out close to Squirrelys bar.  There are rummors that Monica Squirrelenski maybe back in the area and that she may be headed that way.

See ya next week
Bill Cooper


Squirrely Picnic Table
Here's a cute picture of one of the local squirrels getting ready for their annual nut roasting picnic and drinking contest.  Last year they tried a chili bake off which turned out to be a foul smelling event by the time it was over so they're going to try something different this year.

This Squirrely picnic table set was made and sent to me by some squirrely relatives of mine thus proving squirrelyness may be hereditary or genetic.  We're having a hell of a time getting them to use utensils and good table manners.  They must have been watching me to long?

See Ya next week

Bill Cooper


Snoopy Helps With Fence Building
Here is another picture of Snoopy helping me build my fence in the backyard. She is showing me the proper way to use a clamp without getting your tail caught in it.  She thinks I need to learn this for some reason?

She's also checking it over as an alternative runway as it's much longer than the airports runway. Who knows maybe we will get this plane off the ground someday after all?

She is also just getting ready to sing the Stars Spangle Banner in which she is putting her hand over her heart.

 Smile Everyone
Bill Cooper


Squirrel Helping With Cleanup Instructions

Squirrelerectus is the title of this weeks picture.  This squirrel is walking around on two feet better than I can. Here I'm trying to discuss the sunflower seed shells that fall on the ground and she told me to get the shop vacuum and clean up my own mess as I was the one who put them there in the first place so I did.
P.S. This is a good way to pick up the shells if they get to messy.
See you next week
Bill Cooper


Back to Squirrelys main page to see more of Bill's photos

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