Squirrel Wildlife Rehabilitation

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The information contained on the following pages is NOT designed to take the place of a wildlife rehabilitator or Veterinarian BUT is designed to give you some guidance in what you can do to help the squirrels you have found until you can reach a rehabilitator.

It does not help the babies if you try to raise them yourself, get the babies into trouble and expect a rehabilitator to pull the baby around. Some might think we can work miracles, but there are some cases that we just cannot save. So give the baby the best possible care from the start and locate a rehabber to take the babies.

I shall have no liability whatsoever for direct or indirect damages relating in any way to this information.


I realize that not all parts of the United States have access to a rehabber, but so far I have been successful in finding a rehabber somewhat close to the people that have written to me. This year I now have some help with this, if you will visit the Locate A Rehabber page, there are several people listed by state that can help you locate a rehabber in your area. If your state is not listed there, you can either contact me, or there is another link at the bottom of that page that has rehabbers listed for every state in the U.S.

It has been brought to my attention that maybe I could provide some rehabilitation information on these pages to help the people that cannot find a rehabber. I am going to do so for a while and see how it goes.
I am going to trust that you will contact me and let me try to locate a rehabber for you. Squirrels should not ever be raised as pets. They are more of a commitment than most people can give. When they are babies they require 24 hour care for weeks. Feedings cannot be missed as they cannot be made up for later on. Also, most states require a permit to have them in your possession. The squirrels are always better off with other squirrels and with a rehabber that knows what to do for them when they are not doing well. Most squirrels, when we get them, are already in trouble and it does take a trained person to be able to pull them around. We also have access to wildlife veterinarians that can help us also. Most veterinarians do not specialize in wildlife and squirrels are a whole lot different to treat than say a cat or dog. I personally have a separate vet for my wildlife than I use for my pets.

Also, most people do not understand that it takes a lot of money to build cages and aviaries. The aviaries are for the squirrel to stay in while he is outside before they are released. The cages are used for the squirrel to stay in while indoors. Rehabilitators already have all of the cages and equipment necessary to properly raise the squirrels.
I have said all of this to say, if you read the following pages I am going to trust that you have contacted me and I am not able to find a rehabber in your area. If this is the case, I will try to help anyone the best I can via e-mail to get the squirrel raised and released back into the wild.

Feeding Links & Locating A Rehabber

Feeding An Infant Eastern Grey Squirrel With Eyes Closed
Feeding An Infant Eastern Grey Squirrel When Eyes Open
Locate A Licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator

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Squirrel Rehab Pages
{Locate A Wildlife Rehabilitator} {Is This Squirrel Orphaned?} {Stabilization} {Frequently Asked Questions}
{Squirrel Tales} {Results Of Improper Diet} {Metabolic Bone Disease} {Squirrel Fibroma}

Other Wildlife Pages
{My Opossum Page} {Squirrel/Bird Feeders} {Build A Squirrel Nesting Box} {Rehabilitation Permits}
{Suet Recipe} {Wildlife Links} {Wildlife Article} {Squirrel Wildlife Home Page}

Wildlife Photo Pages
{Southern Flying Squirrel} {Eastern Grey Squirrel} {Black Squirrel} {Northern Flying Squirrel}
{Inside A Squirrel Nest} {Euro Red Squirrel} {Weekly Squirrel Photos} {Squirrelys}
{Baby Pictures Index Page} {Stan Westfall Nature Photos}

Other Pages
{Jigsaw Puzzles/Other Fun Games} {Squirrel Greeting Cards}
{Nonda Surratt Memorial}

Information, photographs and backgrounds on this site, unless otherwise indicated,
Copyright © 1997-2025 Pam Spragins, www.squirrel-rehab.org All Rights Reserved

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