Squirrel Wildlife Rehabilitation

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Found An Orphaned Baby Squirrel?



Here are step by step instructions on what you should do if you have found an orphaned baby squirrel. Feel free to read and browse the other information that is listed below this section, but these are the basic steps that you need to follow.

  • Send for the Emergency Care Information by sending a blank email to: help@squirrel-rehab.org and the information will be sent to you automatically. This information will tell you what you should and should NOT do with the baby squirrel until you get in touch with a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.

  • Locate A Wildife Rehabilitator. If there is no one listed for your state, there is a link at the bottom of that page that you can try or fill out the form at the bottom of the page and I will try to locate someone for you.

  • DO NOT FEED the baby squirrels anything, especially cows milk. See the Frequently Asked Questions for answers to this and other questions that we get asked all the time. Wondering why cows milk is not a substitute milk for squirrels, see the Results Of Improper Diet pictures and they will show you why.

  • Could the baby squirrel you have found be orphaned? Please read Is This Squirrel Orphaned?.

  • Want us to tell you how to raise this baby squirrel yourself? You need to read this.

Get Information Sent Immediately Via E-Mail

NOTE: Do not send any questions in these e-mail's below as no one will see them. These e-mail addresses are auto-responders and were set up to send you the requested information only.

Emergency Care Information

This information will help you through the first 12 hours or so until you can reach a wildlife rehabilitator. Send a blank email to help@squirrel-rehab.org and it will be sent to you automatically. Then go to the Locate A Wildlife Rehabilitator page and contact the rehabber closest to you.

Squirrels In Your Attic?

If you have squirrels in your attic and need some information on how to remove them in a humane way, please send a blank e-mail to squirrel-relocation@squirrel-rehab.org and it will be sent to you automatically. If you feel you need to get in touch with a rehabber go to the Locate A Wildlife Rehabilitator page and contact the rehabber closest to you.

Nonda Surratt Memorial
Wood Carving Installed June 2014!

Thanks to everyone that contributed to the memorial bench for Nonda Surratt of Cedar Hill Wildlife Care in Ohio. The bench is now in place and Don has shared some photographs with us so that we could see the beautiful memorial that we gave to Nonda. Please visit the Nonda Surratt Memorial page to see photos of the memorial bench in its location at the arboretum as well as the new memorial wood carving by Sarah Rowe which Don applied to the bench in June 2014.


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Other Wildlife Pages On This Site

Wildlife Article    My Opossum Page    Squirrel/Bird Feeders    Suet Recipes

Build A Squirrel Nesting Box    Rehabilitation Permits    Wildlife & Other Animal Links

Squirrel & Other Wildlife Photo Pages

Southern Flying Squirrel    Eastern Grey Squirrel    Northern Flying Squirrel    Squirrel Fibroma

Black Squirrel    Euro Red Squirrel    Weekly Squirrel Photos    Inside A Squirrel Nest

Squirrelys - Bill Coopers Photos    Baby Pictures Index Page    Stan Westfall Nature Photos   

Misc. & Fun Pages On This Site

Squirrel Greeting Cards     Jigsaw Puzzles And Other Fun Games Updated 10-15-24   

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Squirrel Rehab Pages
{Locate A Wildlife Rehabilitator} {Is This Squirrel Orphaned?} {Stabilization} {Frequently Asked Questions}
{Squirrel Tales} {Results Of Improper Diet} {Metabolic Bone Disease} {Squirrel Fibroma}

Other Wildlife Pages
{My Opossum Page} {Squirrel/Bird Feeders} {Build A Squirrel Nesting Box} {Rehabilitation Permits}
{Suet Recipe} {Wildlife Links} {Wildlife Article} {Squirrel Wildlife Home Page}

Wildlife Photo Pages
{Southern Flying Squirrel} {Eastern Grey Squirrel} {Black Squirrel} {Northern Flying Squirrel}
{Inside A Squirrel Nest} {Euro Red Squirrel} {Weekly Squirrel Photos} {Squirrelys}
{Baby Pictures Index Page} {Stan Westfall Nature Photos}

Other Pages
{Jigsaw Puzzles/Other Fun Games} {Squirrel Greeting Cards}
{Nonda Surratt Memorial}

Information, photographs and backgrounds on this site, unless otherwise indicated,
Copyright © 1997-2024 Pam Spragins, www.squirrel-rehab.org All Rights Reserved

Any problems with this site? Email the webmasters.


Last Updated on October 15, 2024